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How to get a free Everstone on Infinity Island

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Posted on: 25/01/2022


How to get a free Everstone on Infinity Island Updated

If you're starting our on the wonderful world of breeding Pokémon, in this case breeding on the Infinity Island you'll quickly realise that you might need some items to both improve your odds on getting a perfect all-around IV offspring and Nature.

Now, to get perfect IV Pokémon by breeding it's actually kind of tricky so I won't talk about it on this article, Natures on the other hand are much easier to come by. All you need it's a Held Item called Everstone.


Infinity Island Everstone

When breeding, the Pokémon holding an Everstone will 100% pass down it's nature to the offspring, this means if you want to pass down Timid nature to a baby Pokémon all you have to do is give an Everstone to the parent that has the Timid nature!

How to get an Everstone

  1. First option it's the easiest one but it will cost you real money which let's be honest, if you're here you don't want to spend your money in this game, but netherless you can get one Everstone by being VIP 3
  2. The second option is by collecting 20 Tiny Everstone which is FREE! Found out how below.

Go to The Abandoned Mineshaft located West of the Viridian City, there you can capture Geodude and if you're lucky they'll have a Tiny Everstone. But here's the trick you can actually know which Geodude has the stone!

Infinity Island Tiny Everstone

By using a Pokémon with the Frisk Hability, I'm using Phantomp because it's a super easy Pokémon to capture and it's always available on the wild! You can capture a Phantomp at the Lavender Town Wild Area.

Abandoned Mineshaft Infinity Island

Phantomp Frisk Ability

Infinity Island Phantomp Location

And there you go! This is how you get a free Everstone on Infinity Island...or Soul Guardian....or Moeke Legends whichever you like the most.

See you on the next one!

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