Dynamax Pokémon

Dynamax Pokémon are Pokémon Forms that can either be upgraded from Overlord Pokémon or Resonance Pokémon.
These Pokémon have better stats, a Dynamax Shield which provides the pokémon more tankiness, a Special Dynamax Skill that can be activated in battle and also possible Alliance Combinations which are some extra buffs that Dynamax get if played together.
The requirements to transform a pokémon into a Dynamax are the following:
- Character lvl 100
- Dream Ability unlocked
- Secret Technique unlocked
- Minimum of 810 Dynamax Stamps
Dynamax Stamps are usually available in Events like the Happy Exchange.
You can see the usual Price of the Dynamax Pokémon available here.
If you're curious to know more about Dynamax Pokémon, check this video: