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Inherit Pokémon

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Posted on: 19/05/2021


Inherit Pokémon

Inherit is a place where you can transfer some different power sections of one of your pokémons to another one.

In order to inherit a pokémon to another, you need the required Inherit Stone and also 200 Diamonds for each Inherit. When performing the inherit, it will overwrite watever you're inheriting to the pokémon that is receiving the inherit! So be careful when doing this.

There are 5 different Inherits that you can perform, each one having their own Inherit Stone:

  • Inherit Stone C
  • Inherit Stone B
  • Inherit Stone A
  • Base Stats Inerit Stone
  • Bond Inherit Stone

Inherit Stone C

Obtainable in Cross Server Team, EXVS, and Events.

Inherits Pokémon Level, Fusion Level, Intimacy Level and Apricorn Box.

Inherit Stone B

Obtainable in EXVS and Events.

Inherits Breakthrough Stats (Strike Card stats)

Inherit Stone A

Obtainable in EXVS and Events.

Inherits Hidden Skills.

Base Stats Inherit Stone

Obtainable in Events.

Inherits Base Stats from Enhanced Special training and Effort Value Stabilizers.

Bond Inherit Stone

Obtainable in Events.

Inherits Bond Value. Also known as "Second Intimacy". 

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