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Giveaway Winners February 2024

Posted on: 29/02/2024 2870 views

Giveaway Winners February 2024 Updated

The 10 random winners of each version (English, Spanish and Portuguese) were selected. You can check bellow. 

The giveaways are monthly, be sure to keep an eye on the giveaway pages.

Note 1: Giveaway Rewards will be sent by the Devs, but there is no specific date for it. Just be patient.
Note 2: Some player names have characters that can't be displayed in this website.

English Giveaway Winners

Server JodoID IGN
969 jodo#46570853 Xeron
902 Jodo#43381967 ?Bruno?
425 jodo#22171297 LordAndre
870 #45904263 E?E?
866 jodo#45860831 Bry4nL4rr0s4
942 Jodo#46452351 Kartheek
771 jodo#43567807 ARMAN.JIMMY
955 jodo#25139848 NielsN
853 jodo#45991991 MoyShirley
911 jodo#46093242 PAIN

Portuguese Giveaway Winners

Server JodoID IGN
393 portugal#46542349 Lenoxx
396 portugal#46566856 hestiia
321 portugal#25418796 kaisell
386 portugal#45739488 Shitake
395 portugal#46552473 Peng
144 portugal#34556179 Luiza.
386 portugal#45852370 Darkzz
398 portugal#46282836 zeroosx
42 Portugal#23870204 Vergil
384 portugal#46504482 GodNika

Spanish Giveaway Winners

Server JodoID IGN
44 spain#27979975 Teppo
42 spain#27195222 Marce2
28 Spain#26860628 Hahass
323 spain#29526991 Guste
203 spain#45174715 SKILL74
159 spain#34412276 Máximo
349 spain#35647517 Lard03
11 spain#23732422 Geto
111 spain#35763895 Mathi
110 spain#35026475 Orus

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